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2005 News Releases




The Wireless Institute of Australia appoints a National Repeater Coordinator

Date : 20 / 08 / 2005
Author : Michael Owen - VK3KI

Now that all licensing is now centralized in Canberra and it is an ACMA requirement that all applications for a repeater are submitted with WIA
endorsement. It is become necessary for the WIA board to appoint one person to act as the liaison with the state Technical Advisory Committees and the ACMA office in Canberra. The board has appointed Peter Mill, VK3APO/VK3ZPP to this position. Peter has a wealth of experience in repeater operation and frequency allocation, starting in the late 60's with his attendance at the first National VHF band planning meeting held in Albury - Wodonga.

Peter's duties include;
 Consulting with the state Technical Advisory Committees on all matters relating to new repeater license application and repeater band plans,
 Providing letters of endorsement for new repeater applications for the ACMA as required and approved,
 Providing an information flow to and from the WIA Board on all matters relating to repeaters,
 Providing a report in respect of repeaters and repeater band plans as requested for each Open Forum or other meeting following each Annual General Meeting, and
 Undertake such other coordinating tasks in relation to repeaters as are requested and agreed from time to time.

The appointment, except the first appointment, is annual, by the Board after each annual general meeting.

Peter can be contacted via email at


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