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2005 News Releases




Plug and Play Radio Telescope

Date : 28 / 08 / 2005
Author : Chris Jones - VK2ZDD

The RSGB reports that the British Astronomical Association's radio astronomy group is working on an interesting project to develop a "plug and play" radio telescope system that can be connected to any modern PC. The group says that beginners as well as experts will be able to use the system to easily set up their own radio observatory.

The system will have a modular design to allow new functionality to be bolted on as and when it is developed. Modules will initially be available
for solar observations at 2.8GHz and sudden ionospheric disturbances (SIDs) at VLF but other modules are planned, including a software-controlled scanning receiver and interferometry, 151MHz and 38MHz receivers. The group is also keen to hear from anyone interested in developing further modules.

The project has been split into three phases. The first involves the production of a core PIC module to which a variety of receiver designs can
be connected. Each receiver will be controlled and monitored from a PC using Java software.
In the second phase, the group aims to develop a simple Ethernet to eight-channel RS485 hub to provide easy connection with modern computers.
The final phase is to create an internet-based database of results from individuals' observations. For more information about this innovative project, visit the group's website via the following Link


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