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2005 News Releases




Max VK6FN receives a well-deserved award

Date : 18 / 09 / 2005
Author : Geoff Dickson - VK6HOG

Geoff Dickson VK6HOG has reported that the WA Sunday Times ran a front page article describing the efforts of Max Faulkner VK6FN, Max has been awarded the inaugural Sunday Times Pride of Australia Medal.

Peta Hellard writing in the Newspaper said Max Faulkner, of Manjimup, won the bravery medal for pulling Peter de Munck and his wife Merle who was already dead from a burning car wreck in March. Mr Faulkner risked his life to free the couple from the car, which then exploded.

Mr Faulkner dedicated his award to the memory of Mrs de Munck and said he was no braver than the average person. "I originally didn't want to accept the award because I'm no bloody hero," he said. "I just did what any normal bloke would have done after seeing people who needed help."

Mr de Munck said the ceremony was emotional for him. "Max is my blood brother, my guardian angel. I owe him my life," Mr de Munck said. "Merle would be so happy that he has been recognised."

Max VK6FN was presented with a handcrafted sterling-silver medallion.

Our WA reporter on this story, VK6HOG said " Whilst I don't know Max that well, its great to see members of our community, especially amateur radio operators, assisting people in times of dire need.


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