WIA Releases Revised Assessment Instructions
Date :
13 /
10 /
Author :
Michael Owen - VK3KI
The WIA Board has approved a revised WIA Exam Service Assessment Instructions, the booklet that defines the WIA’s new system of assessment of competency for the qualifications for the new Australian amateur licenses, relying on WIA Assessors, who can provide the practical assessment that will be required as well as marking examination papers.
ACMA has advised the WIA that it will issue certificates of proficiency on the basis of assessments carried out in accordance with these procedures.
The revision incorporates changes identified as being desirable at the successful Assessor Training Courses conducted in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney, and also includes additional material, such as the full definition of all the matters a candidate will need to demonstrate he or she understands for the practical assessment.
The complete booklet has been placed on the WIA website.
While examinations for the new Standard and Advanced theory and regulation qualifications will continue to be conducted as the present examinations are conducted, except that if a WIA Assessor is involved, then examination papers may be marked on the spot and the candidate immediately advised of the result, WIA Assessors will hold Foundation Assessment Packs, which will enable a far more flexible approach to conducting both the Foundation Theory/Regulations examination as well as the practical assessment.
Some 30 of the packs have been prepared, as described in the Assessment Instructions.
The first test of the new system will take place this weekend, when some 23 candidates, the youngest of whom is 10, the oldest 80, undertake a Foundation Licence training course ending with assessments, being conducted at the Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society. Some 6 the newly appointed WIA Assessors will be involved.
It is expected that Foundation certificates of proficiency will be issued by ACMA to the successful candidates from this trial when the new Determination comes into force.
Importantly, the trial will enable the procedures defined in the Assessment Instructions to be tested, and the Foundation Packs tried out, so that any changes or improvements identified can be made.
And, we are well on the way to having our first Foundation Licence!
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