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2006 News Releases




A reminder of the Summer VHF - UHF Field Day 2005

Date : 02 / 01 / 2006
Author : John Martin - VK3KWA

There are actually two VHF-UHF Field Days, both WIA sponsored. The first one was run as a trial in January 1989 or 1990 It was quite well received so it has continued since then. After a few years it looked like there would be enough support for another one in spring, so now we have two per year - the Spring Field Day (normally in the first weekend in November) and the Summer Field Day in mid-January.

The rules for the two are identical. All entrants receive a color certificate in the mail. Unlike the Ross Hull Contest, which is a fairly serious DX contest, the aim of the field days is mainly to encourage more activity on VHF and microwave bands, to encourage people to work greater distances than usual by operating portable, and to provide opportunities for people to activate or work into new grid squares. I suppose the Spring Field Day also serves the purpose of stirring up activity after the winter "hibernation" and providing an opportunity to get the gear and antennas ready for the summer DX season.

There are no mode restrictions except that repeater and satellite contacts are not allowed. There is some FM activity but most of the action is on SSB. There is some difference in support, with most club stations usually preferring the January field day over the November one. Single operator stations support both of them about equally. In the single operator categories, the 6 hour section has become more popular than the 24 hour section over the last few years.

It is possible to do quite well with only modest antennas if you pick a good hilltop. Another option if your station is easily transportable is to operate from more than one grid square during the contest period. On the other hand people with big antennas and/or gear for many bands usually prefer to stay in one spot and depend more on the extra bands or bigger antennas for their scores.

Contest Manager
Summer VHF - UHF Field Day 2005 January 15 - 16 2005

Related Files

Field Day Rules

Field Day Cover Sheet


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