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2006 News Releases




WIA 2006/2007 Public Liability Insurance.

Date : 31 / 01 / 2006
Author : Michael Owen - VK3KI

Last year the WIA arranged public liability insurance with QBE for itself and its members while engaged in WIA activities, including affiliated club activities, and some 78 affiliated clubs and their members while engaged in club activities.

That policy became due for renewal on 1 February 2006, and full renewal details are now available.

WIA Director, Ted Thrift, VK2ARA, has spent many hours making sure that we had the necessary information from the clubs who wished to insure or renew their insurance.

It is quite clear that a renewal date of 1 February immediately following the Christmas and summer holiday period causes many clubs considerable difficulty, with many people away and with no meetings scheduled in that time.

The WIA has arranged for the 1 February 2006 renewal to be for a period of 14 months, so that next year the policy will be due for renewal on 1 April, which should be much easier for everybody.

The WIA is also delighted that the premium is the same as last year. However, because the cover is for 14 months, not 12 months, the premium is increased proportionately. In addition, stamp duty has increased in some states, and that is also reflected in the premium calculation.

Each club will receive from Ted in a few days a general current explanation of the policy and the renewal terms, and a note of our calculation of the premium, and any credits the club has.

That general explanation and a copy of the QBE Broadform Liability Insurance Policy General Information and Policy Terms and Conditions are on the WIA website.

It is essential that immediately each club receives from Ted its renewal information that the calculation is confirmed and payment is forwarded to the WIA office.

It is intended that each club will be sent as soon as possible after that a copy of the policy endorsement, listing each insured club, as confirmation of cover.

Any questions should be directed to Ted Thrift, VK2ARA, telephone 02 42729 521, email


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