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2006 News Releases




WIA Board meets

Date : 23 / 02 / 2006
Author : Michael Owen - VK3KI

The WIA Board met in Sydney on February 17 and 18 2006 and most of the directors travelled to the Wyong Field Day on Sunday the 19th and manned the WIA stand.
Among the matters discussed by the Board were:

 It was confirmed that the 2006 Annual General Meeting and Open Forum would be held in the Bankstown RSL in South Western Sydney on 6 May 2006. The WIA Annual Dinner will also be held at the same venue that evening. More details will be released shortly.
 The Board reviewed the Intruder Watch program and was pleased to note some modest wins, including the removal of certain radar interference and a commercial data network on the 40-meter band.
 BPL was discussed and the Board reaffirmed the WIA�s position. The WIA will continue to monitor developments and take whatever steps it can to ensure the issue of interference is addressed.
 Progress with the Foundation licence, the accreditation of assessors, the WIA Exam Service and the likely need for a second print of the Foundation Licence Manual were reviewed. The Board agreed to increase the resources of the WIA office to improve the turnaround time for processing exam results. The Board agreed to proceed with the next round of assessor training.
 The Board discussed the progress of the WIA Bookshop, WIA publications, broadcasts and the WIA website.
 The Board reviewed the WIA�s involvement in the International Amateur Radio Union Region 3 and the forthcoming conference to be held later this year in India.
 The Board reviewed the accounts for 2005, and adopted a budget for the current financial year ending 31 December 2006.
 The Board decided to proceed with the Club Grants scheme foreshadowed last year, and details will be published shortly.
 The Board decided to conduct a series of Club Conferences in various states, to ensure that the WIA had the benefit of grass root opinion and that clubs were properly informed on WIA activities.

In addition to its face to face meetings, the directors are in continuous contact and as is noted in the Directors formal Report to the Annual General Meeting, the directors communicated regularly by email and phone and during the 2005 year and 98 Resolutions pursuant to the Constitution were signed by all directors, dealing with the admission of new members (46 resolutions), the affiliation of clubs (36 resolutions), and the balance (16 resolutions) dealt with various matters from banking to the adoption of regulations to govern postal ballot


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A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)