ACMA refuses WIA request to allow power limits as proposed in "Outcomes"
Date :
17 /
05 /
Author :
Michael Owen - VK3KI
In the ACA's Outcomes of the Review of Amateur Service Regulation, published in May 2004, the proposed permitted power was specified as 10 W PEP all permitted modes for Foundation licensees, 100 W PEP for all permitted modes for Standard licensees and 400 W PEP all modes for Advanced licensees.
Subsequently, in May 2005, the ACA advised the WIA that the proposal to specify transmitter output power only in terms of Peak Envelope Power (pX) would not go ahead. The WIA was told that this change was due to concerns about the potential for increased human exposure to electromagnetic radiation and increased interference resulting from what would be an effective increase in transmitter power output for some emission modes.
The WIA requested reconsideration be given to allowing 100 Watts pX for all emission modes permitted under the Standard licence and 400 Watts pX for all emission modes permitted under the Advanced licence.
ACMA has already indicated that it will permit a transmitter output power of 10 Watts pX for all emission modes permitted under the Foundation licence.
ACMA has now advised the WIA that it has reconsidered the matter, be retains the position that the increased risk of interference to other radiocommunications services and the potential for instances of exposure to electromagnetic radiation to increase from allowing an increase in power for some emission modes from 120 Watts pY to 400 watts pX are unacceptable.
Accordingly, and to retain the relative positions of the Standard and Advanced licences, ACMA will not change the power limits either Standard or Advanced advised in May 2005.
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