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2009 News Releases




WIA Issues New Assessment Instructions

Date : 12 / 02 / 2009
Author : Michael Owen - VK3KI

The WIA announced that the Deed between it and ACMA had been signed, and so since 2 February only the WIA will issue certificates of proficiency for qualifications achieved on and after that date.

This has made necessary a very complete revision of the Assessment Instructions, the basic document of the WIA Exam Service, and which sets out the methods that must be followed in all WIA amateur assessments.

A particular focus has been to minimise the number of times the same information has to be written of different forms by candidates and Assessors. A number of ambiguities have been removed and the obligations of all involved to observe the privacy legislation have been made clear.

A hard copy has been posted today, Thursday, to every WIA Assessor and Learning Facilitator, and the new forms will be included in every Exam Pack prepared.

A copy of the Assessment Instructions can be found on the WIA website, and the new forms can also be downloaded from the site.

"I would like to thank the many people who contributed to this review of the Assessment Instructions, particularly Fred Swainston, Peter Young, Robert Broomhead and Ron Bertrand. I do hope that everyone using it will find that this revision is easy to understand and that the process for recording essential information easier to manage" said WIA President, Michael Owen VK3KI.


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