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2009 News Releases




Activation Update - More Wicen Operators Required

Date : 02 / 03 / 2009
Author : Mark Dods - VK3XMU

We're now into our fourth week of this activation, and I know people are starting to find it difficult to get away from their work commitments, however its very inefficient for me to ring around people to try and fill shifts. Please, if you can make yourself available for a shift I publicise as needing filling, call me on 0409 214 834.

  The Airbase deployment at Wesburn is indeed a Flight Following role, and we have been able to schedule operators until Friday which is all we have been asked to provide at present.
  The Alexandra roster is going well with some assistance from NSW and ACT operators.
  I do need some more operators for the ICCs at Kangaroo Ground and Woori Yallock however:-
  At Woori Yallock I have night shifts from Wednesday that need covering.
  At Kangaroo Ground, I have day shifts from Thursday, and night shifts from Tuesday requiring operators.

A reminder that as well as the actual distances travelled we need to know the engine capacity and fuel of the vehicle(s) operators drive to deployments.

Lastly ..Those who have filled in 'Time sheets' including distances travelled need to make sure any claims are consistent with those sheets. When sending me your travel claims, please make the subject of the email 'Travel Claim'. I am processing a huge amount of email for this activation, and being able select the claims by subject will help me avoid missing any. Those who have already emailed me claims could assist me greatly by resending them with 'Travel Claim' in the subject.

The Jargon Glossary on the Wicen website accessible via this Link has been updated.


Mark A. Dods, VK3XMU,


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