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GippsTech - Special Edition the 2009 WIA AGM Weekend of Activities

Date : 15 / 03 / 2009
Author : Robert Broomhead - VK3DN

Each year the WIA hosts The WIA AGM Weekend Of Activities a special event aimed at providing a weekend of activities that are of particular interest to the radio amateur. This years event brings to you "GippsTech – Special Edition" with some of the finest GippsTech conference speakers to this one off special 2009 WIA AGM Weekend Of Activities event.

Enjoy a wide range of fascinating and highly informative radio related technical presentations by some of Australia’s leading technical presenters. The annual GippsTech conference is held each year in July and has earned a well deserved reputation as the premier technical conference bringing together hundreds of VHF, UHF and SHF enthusiasts from right around Australia. GippsTech – Special Edition presentations extend well beyond the scope of the traditional GippsTech topics. The weekend begins Friday evening 1st May 2009 at the Gippsland Campus of Monash University and runs till Sunday 3rd May.

Book Online Today
Full details of the weekend and secure online booking is available through the WIA secure E-commerce system right here on the WIA website. Simply go to the home page click the menu item About the WIA and then The 2009 AGM Weekend or you can go directly to the page by clicking the following Link

A Range of Weekend Activities For Everyone
The weekend includes the WIA Annual General Meeting, WIA annual dinner, special Sunday tours and an alternative Saturday programme for partners. The Saturday partner tours begin with a visit to the famous Morwell Rose Gardens, then move to the Latrobe Regional Gallery with lunch at the Gallery Cafe. After lunch the tour will visit the Old Brown Coal Museum in Yallourn North (entry fee $4) and from there a scenic drive to Narkoojee Winery for wine tasting and afternoon tea. Transport will be by car or bus depending on numbers, please check the following Link here on WIA website for updates.

The WIA Annual General Meeting
The WIA will conduct its AGM on Saturday 2nd May 2009 at 2.00 pm at Monash University Gippsland in room 4N120. The AGM will be followed by the Open Forum with reports presented on all WIA activities over the year and will conclude around 5.00 pm.

The WIA Annual Dinner
The WIA annual dinner will commence at 6.00 pm in the ballroom of the Century Inn Princes Highway Traralgon. The evening will include a selection of exciting foods from the buffet as well as a mystery guest speaker.

Sunday Morning Tour PowerWorks
Located in Morwell Powerworks provides education programs and information about the Latrobe Valley Power Industry. The WIA tour will include a first hand look at the mines and power stations in the region.

Sunday Morning Tour Gippsland Aeronatics
Gippsland Aeronautics currently produces around 20 to 25 light aircraft per year from in its 5,250 sq metre factory. The special WIA tour provides an in depth look at the Gippsland Aeronautics manafacturing facilities.

The WIA looks forward to seeing you at GippsTech - Special Edition, The 2009 WIA AGM Weekend Of Activities.


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