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2009 News Releases




FRANK BAUER, KA3HDO, steps down from AMSAT and ARISS positions

Date : 25 / 03 / 2009
Author : Mark Abramowicz - NT3V

Frank Bauer KA3HDO, Tuesday, March 24, 2009 has announced his resignation from all of his duties with the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station program, including work with NASA education office as ARISS program leader, support as the ARISS international chair, responsibilities as ARISS US delegate, and AMSAT VP of human space flight.

Bauer made the stunning announcement during an hour-long international conference call at about 7:20 a.m. EDT. Bauer said a number of factors entered into his decision including family health issues and increasing responsibilities in his job at NASA related to the International Space Station and exploration.

He thanked several members of the ARISS international community and AMSAT for their dedication to the program. He expressed appreciation for the support and friendship of the international ARISS team and urged them not to lose sight of the goal of inspiring the next generation of young students to get involved in space, ham radio and math and science technology. Bauer said he simply had to step away completely, but has high hopes there will be a seamless transition.

He announced that AMSAT's Will Marchant, KC6ROL, will succeed him as the new AMSAT vice president for human space flight. Marchant also will become the new AMSAT USA delegate for the ARISS international working group.


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