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2009 News Releases




New IARU Region 3 Secretary

Date : 03 / 06 / 2009
Author : Jim Linton - VK3PC

The Directors of IARU R3 have most reluctantly accepted the resignation of Keigo Komuro JA1KB (pictured right) who has retired from the office of secretary after 15 years in the role. The change, effective from 1 June, sees the Assistant Secretary, Jay S. Oka JA1TRC/KH2J become the Secretary of the regional body that has member radio societies in Asia and Oceania. In an information circular to IARU R3 member societies, Keigo JA1KB said, "I had expressed my wish to resign to the Directors some time ago. I would like to thank all of you for your contribution to IARU Region 3 and your warm support extended to me over that period."

IARU Region 3 Chairman, Michael Owen VK3KI said Keigo came to Region 3 with a professional background in satellite communications and International Telecommunications Union experience. "After 16 years as a Director followed by 15 years as Secretary, Keigo has built up an incredible knowledge of the IARU, particularly Region 3 and has made a very important contribution to amateur radio," said Michael VK3KI. "Throughout his long involvement with IARU Region 3 he has done his best to ensure that Region 3 has adopted a consistent and constructive approach to the issues it has faced. The Directors were most reluctant to lose the experience and skills of Keigo and were delighted that he was prepared to accept the position of Special Advisor to the Directors."

The new Secretary and heir apparent to the office, Jay JA1TRC brings a high level of experience and demonstrated commitment to IARU affairs including being the JARL International Affairs Manager. Among his current activities is that of being a member of the Organising Committee for the JARL hosted Global Amateur Radio Emergency Communications (GAREC) conference being held in Tokyo 24-25 August. Jay JA1TRC is already busy with preparatory work for the IARU R3 Conference to be held in Christchurch New Zealand 12-16 October.


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