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2009 News Releases




2009 Waitakete Sprints

Date : 22 / 07 / 2009
Author : David Karrasch - ZL1DK

The Papakura Radio Club inc. is pleased to provide the rules for the Waitakere Sprints 2009. The Sprints will be the same at previously held, the Phone Sprint will be on the last Saturday in July and the CW Sprint will be on the first Saturday in August.

The Sprints are of one-hour duration on 80m, and are open to all licensed amateurs in ZL, VK and
Oceania call areas.

Object of the Sprints
The operator's basic goal in the sprints is to make as many contacts as possible, without duplication, during an hour of operation on a single band. Any contact with ZL, VK or Oceania stations on 80m during the contest period can be counted, but a station may be claimed only once.
Eligibility The Waitakere Sprints are open to all licensed amateurs anywhere in the ZL, VK and Oceania call areas. SWL logs will also be welcome

2009 Contest Periods
Phone 1000 to 1100 UTC, on Saturday 25th July
CW 1000 to 1100 UTC, on Saturday 1ST August

Frequencies as follows
Phone: 3.550 to 3.700
CW: 3.500 to 3.550

In fairness and consideration to others radio output power must be restricted to a maximum 100 Watts during the contest.

Contest call
CQ Contest, CQ Sprint or CQ Test... or whatever gets you contacts!

Minimum exchange for a valid contact will consist of signal report and a serial number, sent and
Received and the serial numbers which must start at 001 and increment by one for each contact made.

Certificates will be awarded to the overall winner and to the best operator in each ZL call area and to the best three scores from VK/Oceania. Shortly after the event an operators ‘Participation Certificate’ will be posted on the web site and can be downloaded.The rules for the 2009 Waitakete Sprints are now available by clicking the following Link

There are some small changes but the intent is still the same for participants... enjoy the 1 hour sprints. Lets hope we see another good gain in activity as the more operators for these one hour contests...... the more fun for us all.

Pictured above : The 2008 participants certificate


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