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2010 News Releases




VI2AJ2010 Calling CQ

Date : 10 / 01 / 2010
Author : Peter Willmott - VK3TQ

One of the biggest thing happening this summer is the 22nd Australian Scout Jamboree being held at Cataract Scout Park near Appin about 60km South of Sydney. 13,000 scouts and 2000 leaders have converged on Cataract from all over Australia, and a large contingent from countries around the world. Cataract is a city of energy-charged fun and excitement where our kids are really having, the summer of their life

A great part of that fun and excitement is the Amateur Radio activity being hosted and managed by the Fishers Ghost Amateur Radio Club. Special Event station VI2AJ2010 on air and making a big noise around the country and around the world The club has really turned it on for the kids and are doing an amazing job in introducing Amateur Radio to the Children. The activity is set up between tents and marquees and each is an education area in its self, each patrol moves around and get a taste of the digital modes, including IRLP, Echolink, APRS and D-Star being hosted by Karl Humphries VK2HKF. The kids then move to an impressive talk by Luis Cifuentes VK2TAR on the general workings of amateur radio and then gives them a display of SSTV in action.

Next stop is with station and activity leader Wal Kelly VK2ZWK teaching the history and virtues of CW. The children are split into two groups and send messages to each other via morse code. Then its on to Frank Walker VK2FRW and Chris Newton VK2JCN. Chris is doing intuitive talks on satellite operation, working the birds with a handheld and a homemade dual band beam. Frank is teaching the kids about computer satellite tracking, with an actual real time display with Radio, computer and Az-El Rotator.

Then its to the VI2AJ2010 Ham shack. What a station Fishers Ghost ARC have erected for the kids. The station is an antenna farm of sheer strength. The highlight is the 2 element 40m beam at 22m, a 3 element Tribander and a 7 element log period all at 22m, an amazing view at sunset. These fantastic antennas are being driven by IC-7000's, a IC-718 and a Kenwood TS-680s. The hamshack operation is being facilitated by Ted Powell VK2AU, Paul Gardiner VK6LL, Carl Hartford VK2HRC, and many others from the Fishers Ghost ARC and some others from the Blue Mountains and Illawarra ARC's. The VI2AJ2010 callsign is doing big business on the air and you are encouraged to give us a call. On 80m 3.590 Mhz, On 40m 7.090Mhz, On 20m 14.190Mhz, On 15m 21.190Mhz and on 10m, on 28.490Mhz. The VI2AJ2010 station is working Australia at all times of the day, and has had great contacts into Europe, Russia, Canada, Japan, even the Antarctic at McMurdo Sound. The club has also advised to listen out on IRLP node 6111, plus 2m repeater VK2RMB which is IRLP node 6366 and Echolink node 63666.

One of the great things is to see the Scouts wandering up to the hamshack and saying hi, then telling us that they have a licence, giving us their callsign and then getting on air by themselves. Some of these young scouts are extremely competent operators. In my 30 years of being licensed, I can't remember a scout activity I have been involved with where this has happened and so this is really exciting for our hobby. Giving these experiences to our kids, brings with it the opportunities for many young folk to join our hobby. I was thinking last night, that I was a scout at AJ1977 held in Dandenong Vic in the Police Paddocks 33 years ago. Thanks to Max Dawkins VK3TR, Bruce Bathols VK3UV and the late Les Jenkins VK3ZBJ for me this was where my time with Amateur Radio all started to happen. A touch of DeJa vu in the blink of an eye.

Expect another report soon for the WIA website,
Signed your roving WIA reporter
Pete Willmott VK3TQ
Service Leader-Security, AJ2010

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