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2010 News Releases




Massive earthquake hits Haiti

Date : 12 / 01 / 2010
Author : Jim Linton - VK3PC.

Following the devastation to Haiti caused by an earthquake, nothing has been heard from radio amateurs in that Caribbean nation. The IARU has initiated a listening watch for them on 7045kKz and 3720kHz, and ask that those frequencies be keep clear.

The earthquake measuring 7 on the Ritcher scale hit the area 15km southwest of the capital Port-au-Prince, destroying homes and public buildings, and virtually all communications have been cut. Hundreds of people have been killed or injured as emergency crews and medical aid is being provded. The IARU Region 2 Area Emergency Communications Coordinator, Arnie Coro CO2KK advises that while no signals have been heard a listening watch is being maintained on in case any manage to get on air. While radio amateurs in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Venezuela are also monitoring 7045 kHz for any contact with Haiti.

Eastern cities in Cuba also felt the quake and the Cuban Federation of Radio Amateurs Emergency Net was activated, operating on 40m, 80m and 2m bands.

- IARU R3 Chairman of the Disaster Communications Committee, Jim Linton VK3PC.


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