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2010 News Releases




WIA Centenary Celebration - Canberra

Date : 31 / 01 / 2010
Author : Robert Broomhead - VK3DN

Planning is well advanced for the WIA Centenary activities taking place in Canberra, the nation’s capital, over the weekend Friday 28th through Sunday 30th of May 2010, the event being just part of the year-long WIA Centenary celebrations.

Highlights of the weekend will include a series of presentations on the early days of radio and a Saturday evening Centenary Dinner with local and overseas dignitaries in attendance. The Friday evening program will include a guest speaker followed by dinner at the Alto revolving restaurant at the Black Mountain telecommunications tower. The weekend is promising to be a truly memorable occasion.

The Rydges Lakeside Hotel on London Circuit, Canberra City will be the venue for the majority of the weekend activities. A special room rate of $150 per night for a standard room has been negotiated with Rydges Lakeside for participants of the WIA Convention. When phoning the hotel please ask for Inhouse Reservations, advise them that you are part of the WIA Centenary Convention and quote the group block code F-2805WIA to receive the discounted room rate. Rydges Lakeside also offer a Full Buffet Breakfast at $19 per person for anyone who has booked using the special group block code. You can contact Rydges Lakeside Inhouse Reservations by telephoning (02) 6247 6244

A wide range of alternative accommodation is available in Canberra such as caravan parks, motel units etc. Details of alternate accommodation will also be published on the WIA website.

The WIA Annual General Meeting followed by the Open Forum will be held in the Lake Michigan room at Rydges Lakeside on the Saturday morning. Lunch will be provided for all registered attendees and the special Saturday program titled "The WIA Centenary through word, picture, and artefacts" is shaping up to be a real highlight.

Special event station VK100WIA will also be operating from Rydges Lakeside over the three days in conjunction with the WIA Centenary Award. On Sunday there will be an opportunity to visit some of the many interesting sights of Canberra there will be a BBQ lunch and a public display of amateur radio.

Please note that all bookings, other than accommodation, are required to be made through the WIA. This includes the Centenary Dinner at Rydges Lakeside on Saturday night and the dinner at the Alto Black Mountain Restaurant on Friday night. You will be able to make your Centenary Weekend registration using either the online registration page on the WIA website or a registration form which is to be included in the March edition of AR magazine. Please note that your payment will be required at time of registration and payments for online registrations will be processed through the WIA’s secure Ecommerce system. It is planned to have the details of the weekend program and the registration page active on the WIA website by mid February. Please note that staff at the Rydges Hotel and other venues are not able to provide advice on the WIA Centenary Celebration weekend program, so we ask that all inquiries regarding the weekend program are directed to the WIA office.

There will be a weekend registration fee of $75 per person which will include morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea on the Saturday as well as a valuable commemorative Centenary pack for each registered person. (please note, you will not be charged the registration fee if you are only attending the Saturday morning AGM and open forum)

Further Details
Further details regarding the weekend program will appear in the March edition of Amateur Radio magazine, the WIA website news and on the weekly WIA national news broadcast VK1WIA.


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