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2010 News Releases




WIA Appoints Manager

Date : 27 / 02 / 2010
Author : Michael Owen - VK3KI

The WIA Board met in Melbourne over the weekend of 20/21 February 2010. Much of the time was spent considering the financial position, the provision of services for members and the future.

The directors recognised that the WIA now had the security of a contract with ACMA for the WIA to manage the examinations, the issue of certificates of proficiency and the management of callsigns but acknowledged that meeting the WIA’s obligations under the contract meant that the office has to devote a significant part of its present resources to those tasks.

The Board also felt that the WIA had to reduce its reliance on volunteers for the provision of the administrative core which provides many of services it offers to members and supports those offering other services.

The Board resolved to engage a manager.

The Board believes that the current office workload justifies additional staff and that a manager will provide continuity and the WIA’s ability to provide services to members will be enhanced. For some months the WIA has been employing someone on a part time basis to provide assistance in the office. That person is Mal Brooks. (pictured above) Whilst Mal is not yet an amateur, he comes with a background and experience, including experience as the Executive Officer of a not-for-profit industry association and briefly the WIA, that is totally relevant. Mal believes he can contribute to the WIA.

The directors fully recognise that the WIA will never be able to do the many things that it does without the work of many dedicated and skilled volunteers. They also believe that at the heart of the organisation must be an administration that is effective, efficient, responsive and friendly. They believe that Mal will be a meaningful part of that administrative heart.

The WIA Board welcomes Mal Brooks and wishes him the very best in his new role.


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