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2010 News Releases




WIA National Inwards QSL Bureau Changes

Date : 05 / 03 / 2010
Author : Geoff Atkinson - VK3AFA

Following a review of the current inwards Bureau operation, the WIA Board agreed to change the arrangements for Inward Bureau operation.

A new national inwards QSL Bureau service is being introduced in an effort to expedite the availability of inwards cards from overseas bureaus for WIA members. The Inwards Bureau has established a central P.O Box 2040 Bayswater Vic 3153, Australia for the new service. All overseas bureaus are being notified of the change, being requested to amend their records and procedures and to send future VK card consignments to the central PO Box 2040.

It is reasonable to expect more regular deliveries of cards from smaller overseas bureaus, as it will be more cost effective to make one postal despatch to the central box, than to accumulate cards on a VK State by State basis. And then post to VK when economical packages are available. Upon receipt at Bayswater, the cards will be sorted by State and despatched regularly, subject to minimum quantities for economical postage.

It is planned to despatch QSL cards on a weekly, fortnightly or minimum monthly basis to ensure regular receipt of cards at the existing State QSL Bureau, who will distribute cards through existing processes. The monthly despatch will occur at the end of the second week of the month to enable State Bureaus to sort and distribute promptly. Bulk quantities of inwards cards will be sent in regular consignments. We believe this change will be of positive benefit to members.

QSL cards from WIA Members for overseas contacts should continue to be sent directly to the Outwards QSL Bureau, P.O.Box 3073, Teralba NSW 2284.


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