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2010 News Releases




Neil Penfold State AR Centre Opening

Date : 14 / 03 / 2010
Author : Bob Bristow - VK6POP

An estimated crowd of 150 people traveled from metropolitan Perth and from country locations as far away as Kalgoorlie to attend the official opening today of the Neil Penfold State Amateur Radio Centre at Whiteman Park. (pictured right) The Centre is the home of the Northern Corridor Radio Group Inc. The NPSARC was officially opened by Neil Penfold, VK6NE.

This magnificent Amateur Radio facility was built by club members over several years, providing the club with a world class facility for contesting and other club activities. Contained within the building are two spacious air conditioned operating shacks, each set up with first class equipment. The facility also has a meeting room, toilet and shower, kitchen, a workshop, sleeping quarters and storage space.

Outside is a formidable array of towers, masts and antennas, and a pleasant grassed recreation area. There is also a rather large diesel generator for standby power.

The day was celebrated with a car boot sale, sausage sizzle, "open house" of the clubrooms, a raffle and many face to face QSOs. The WIA was also there, selling WIA merchandise, callbooks etc.

Congratulations to NCRG on realising their vision. An aerial view of the Neil Penfold State Amateur Radio Centre can be seen by clicking the following Link

Note : You may click the above picture for a larger view


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