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2010 News Releases




WIA Centenary Convention in Canberra

Date : 14 / 03 / 2010
Author : Jim Linton - VK3PC

Registrations are steadily flowing in for this memorable occasion that runs from Friday the 28th to Sunday the 30th of May.

Just confirmed for the Friday night is that there will be a once in a life-time opportunity to explore the technical side of the national capital's well known landmark, Black Mountain Telstra Communications Tower. Exclusive for WIA Centenary Convention registrants will be a series of guided tours in areas never seen by the general public. Learn about the history of this 30-year old communications and broadcast facility as well as your opportunity to see Canberra by night from the towers observation deck. Limited bookings are available for the Black Mountain Telstra Communications Tower tour.
(see preview below)

It is just part of a packed three day program with plenty to see and do, catch up with old friends or make new ones as we celebrate the one hundred years of organised amateur radio in Australia.

On Saturday the special program titled "The WIA Centenary through word, picture, and artefacts" will be another highlight, with nine presenters each having an interesting topic. The full details are on the WIA website and were sent to members as an insert in this month's Amateur Radio magazine. The Saturday evening Centenary Dinner has local and overseas dignitaries in attendance and a planned special Centenary Amateur Radio on the International Space Station contact with a local school. Sunday will include a live transmission of the VK1WIA news broadcast from the Nation's Capital, a public display of amateur radio, sightseeing and a BBQ in the park. On air right across the weekend from Canberra will be the special callsign VK100WIA that offers a collectable QSL card and contacts with it qualify for the WIA Centenary Award.

The WIA Centenary Convention, which includes an excellent partner's program, happening on the last weekend in May in Canberra will be talked about for many years to come - be part of it, click the following Link for full details and to register now.

Related Files

A sneak preview tour of the tower.
Black Mountain Tower Comms.pdf


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