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2010 News Releases




Announcing a QRP contest for the Centenary

Date : 27 / 03 / 2010
Author : Robert Broomhead - VK3DN

Sponsored by the VK QRP Club, the following contest is designed to encourage interest in the use of low-level power to make contacts during the month of May 2010. All licensed Amateurs are eligible to participate and are encouraged to do so. The only limitation is that output power must be kept within QRP bounds of five watts for CW contacts and ten watts for Phone. The object is to work as many stations as possible during the month of May 2010, operating within a three-hour time slot each evening, then to select your best 20 days of the month as your entry to the contest.

Categories: Open and Foundation Licencees.
Bands: 80 and 40 metres
Modes: CW, AM, SSB

Hours of Operation: 1000 to 1300 UTC daily. (During the last hour, stations are asked to listen particularly for C and W.)
Exchange RS(T) and Serial Number starting at 001 and incrementing by one for each contact.

To make scoring as uniform as possible, we shall use the natural groupings of States as follows:
  Eastern (VKs 4,3,2,7);
  Central (VKs 8,5);
  Western (VK6),
  External (VKs 9,0);
  DX (any call area outside VK).

  Contacts within each group score one point per QSO;
  Contacts between E and C score two points per QSO;
  Contacts between E and W score five points per QSO;
  Contacts between C and W score two points per QSO;
  Contacts from all mainland areas to External score 10 points per QSO.
  Contacts from all VK areas to DX score 20 points per QSO.

Logs should show the name, postal address and callsign of the entrant; callsign of station contacted; exchange; best 20 days of logs as selected by entrant. Send logs to VK3JS, 121 Railway Parade, Seaford, 3198; or by email to by 2010, June 11th, Friday. (Email is the preferred method.)
(NB Do not forget to include your postal address, as you cannot know if you may be a winner!)

Certificates will be available to the highest scorers in each State in each Category and Mode for best 20 days.


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