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2010 News Releases




2010 WIA Grants scheme

Date : 30 / 03 / 2010
Author : Geoff Atkinson - VK3AFA

Friday 30th July is the closing date for applications for the WIA Club Grants Scheme for 2010. Full details of the 2010 rules for the scheme can be obtained from the WIA Web site via the following Link together with a template setting out the suggested application headings for an executive summary, identifying how the club seeks to meet the objectives of the scheme and guidance regarding supporting documentation.

WIA President Michael Owen said that the Board was pleased with the results of the 2009 scheme and believed that there was overall support from members for a continuation of the grant scheme. In 2009, there were 17 applications and some 10 projects were given financial support from the scheme. The Board has decided to make a variation to the rules from those that applied last year.

The Board directing the Grant Committee to recommend applications which focus on projects and activities (to be conducted before 1 April 2011) to attract new amateur radio operators to the hobby, also projects supporting emergency communications and preparedness for emergency communications.

The WIA Board has again this year allocated $6,000 for distribution to qualifying Affiliated Clubs. The object of the scheme is to promote and advance amateur radio, the WIA and its Affiliated Clubs by supporting useful and/or innovative projects undertaken or to be undertaken by Affiliated Clubs. Affiliated Clubs with a membership including at least 50% WIA members qualify to participate, though the Board has discretion to allow a lesser percentage in special circumstances.

President Michael said that the names of the 2010 Grant Committee would be announced shortly. The Committee would recommend to the Board the projects that should be supported and the amount to be allocated to each supported project. "I urge affiliated clubs to participate in this opportunity" Michael said; "however, it is most important that clubs read the rules very carefully".


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