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2010 News Releases




First meeting of the Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club

Date : 30 / 03 / 2010
Author : Peter Wilmott - VK3TQ

The Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club VK3RA recently made a solid launch as Victoria’s newest amateur radio club. The first meeting was held on March 20 with 22 new members getting behind the club to ensure its success. An executive of Peter Willmott VK3TQ as president, Graeme McDiarmid VK3NE as secretary and Peter Wolfenden VK3RV as treasurer were elected. A committee of Richard Hoskin VK3JFK, Gary Greer VK3GSG, Colin Smith VK3YWY and Derek Tomlinson VK3NQ were also elected. MRARC has affiliated with WIA National, and welcomes all radio amateurs and those who would like to get involved in the hobby to come along, foundation licensees are most welcome

The club meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month the weekday meeting held FIRST Wednesday of the month, between 10am and 12pm. All meetings held at the Woodend Scout Hall,The location is the Woodend Scout Hall, 41 Forest St Woodend Start time is 9:30am. The next meeting on April 17 features guest speaker Dr Roger Neill from DSTO. Roger was a principal investigator for the Department of Defence into the sinking of the HMAS Sydney by the German Warship "Kormoran" in World War 2 . This is an amazing lecture with a presentation of undersea photography.

The club has also launched its new website People wishing to find out more about the club, its activities and people are welcome to surf in. Committee member Gary Greer VK3GSG is the web site manager and has done a great job in putting MRARC on the map, the MRARC committee and members invite all radio amateurs and prospective members alike to take a look. The site is available at or by clicking the following Link

Further information can be obtained by sending an email to


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