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2010 News Releases




A VK100WIA report from the Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club

Date : 09 / 09 / 2010
Author : David VK7EX - President of the Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club Inc.

The Cradle Coast Amateur Radio Club operated the VK100WIA call sign from Sunday 5th to Wednesday the 8th of September from the Maritime Museum in Devonport Tasmania, an interesting feature of the three days at the Museum was the flag signal hoist. (see details below)

It was Sunday morning, we all awoke bright eyed and bushy tailed to heavy continuous rain, Brian VK7KBE was the first one on the phone and radio to some of the operators of the day totally out of phase, it was his job to erect all the wire in the sky, no way am I climbing trees in this rain I believe was the main topic of conversation, Hi, Hi, what are we going to do then we go on air in two hours, I will bring the Squid Pole and hope for the best was the reply. So the Squid stick was installed and all cables run and Wayne, VK7FWAY arrived with his new toy the very impressive FT-1000MP (almost as good looking as the TS-950SDX Hi, Hi,) the bands were quiet for the first couple of hours and then Wayne started to get amongst it, while myself, Keith Winkler, VK7KW setup the display of older Ham gear and some home brew.

We went on air with the VK100WIA Centenary Call sign at the Maritime Museum in Devonport Tasmania which is housed in the original residence of the Devonport Harbour Master near the mouth of the Mersey River where the Spirit of Tasmania berths, I must say at this point we were treated by staff and volunteers as if we were royalty and are looking forward to doing another event there sometime soon, anyone touring Tassie if you do not look through this wonderful museum that is full of magnificent model boats and ships plus truck loads of Tasmanian and Australian maritime history and photos, you are doing yourself an injustice, put it on top of your must see list and there are no restrictions on using your camera inside the Museum. As it was fathers day I left after helping with the setting up so I could spend time with family and grandkids.

Come Monday morning the weather was much better and we also thought that it would be a good idea to set up a 2m station at the museum, well I put my hand up for that and prepared all what we should need the night before, loaded up my gear and headed off with plenty of time Monday morning, approximately 5km from home “MURHY” tapped on my rear window and said, are you listening to me boy, you have left the 213 cable at home, instant cold sweat and panic mode set in, where the hell is the next off ramp, up ahead, Forth River Bridge, pedal to the metal and heading for home, screaming halt in the driveway, cable in the boot and smoke ‘em up in reverse down the drive, heading in the right direction once again and arrive half hour late,and put it all on line, using the car as the antenna system was a waste of time, made two contacts only that day on 2m.

Anne VK7BYL arrived early also Monday morning and shared the FT-1000MP with Wayne all day and made some top contacts and of cause while all this was going on we had the general public coming through for a look at the museum, there was one lady that pricked her ears up when she heard a VK4 contact mention the town where they lived and not long left to come down to Tasmania for their holiday so she became very interested in what we were doing.

Tuesday Morning we awoke to a magnificent day, really to good to be sitting in front of a radio all day but sit we did and it was not long before Wayne, VK7FWAY and Anne, VK7BYL were into some more good contacts, I should mention at this point that the Museum is open between 10:00AM and 4:00PM each day and at closing time rostered club members then operated the call sign from there QTH, an interesting feature of the three days at the Museum was that they done a flag signal hoist for us each day we were there, I have attached a photo of same and you Navy operators out there should be able to read it but for those who can’t like me and just think it all look very pretty I have scanned what it all means.

All in all those who were involved with the event had a wonderful fun time and enjoyed some good fellowship and I would like to take this opportunity to thank our main operators who were the clubs DX GURU Wayne Hays, VK7FWAY and Anne Landers, VK7BYL for their tireless effort over the three days at the Museum and from their QTH during the evenings, I would also like to thank those who could only operate from home and they were, Winston, VK7EM, Scott, VK7FTTT, and a special thanks to Laurie for putting 160m on air as well and working about 34 contacts I believe, I apologize in advance if I have missed anyone or anything important but it has been three wonderful hectic fun days and I am so pleased to have still been on the planet to enjoy and see it happen.

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Flag Signal Hoist Translated

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Operating VK100WIA

ABC Radio Interview


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