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2012 News Releases




Still gracing the airwaves at age 101

Date : 13 / 01 / 2012
Author : Southgate News

Adelaide Now reports on Darcy Hancock VK5RJ who has been a licensed radio amateur for 84 years.

The report says:
Mr Hancock has lived through the birth of television and several wars but despite the innovation of modern communication, 84 years on from receiving his transmitter's licence, his voice can still be heard over the airwaves.

"I've had my radio since 1927," Mr Hancock, of Mitchell Park, said.
"My son recently got his transmitter's licence as did his son, so it's a three generational affair. We often talk to each other."

Over his lengthy career in amateur radio, Mr Hancock has made many friends but there's one in particular that stands out for the 101-year-old.

"I say g'day to a friend of mine at 7.30 every morning," Mr Hancock said.
"Originally he came from Ardrossan and we started to do this and even though he's shifted all around Australia, that's how we keep in touch. Every day for a few minutes we have a chat and we've been doing this for over 40 years."

Read the full story in Adelaide Now report by clicking the following Link


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