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2012 News Releases




WIA Proposes Operating Principles

Date : 04 / 03 / 2012
Author : Michael Owen - VK3KI

Although the WIA has a Corporate Ethics Policy that is intended to apply to everyone representing the WIA, it has been suggested that the WIA lacks any operating principles which could be used as a guide for the conduct of the hobby of amateur radio.

The Board of the WIA considered the suggestion at its last meeting in Melbourne and it was agreed that the adoption of appropriate operating principles, a new Australian Amateur’s Code, could be helpful.

It was suggested that a model could be something similar to the Amateurs Code, written in the early days of amateur radio by Paul Segal W9EEA in 1928, and several of the WIA Directors spent time preparing a first draft set out below.

It was also decided to consult with all amateurs and with all clubs and to invite comment and suggestions. The Board recognises that not only can the language be improved but other or different concepts could be incorporated in such principles. However, the board is keen to keep such Operating Principles brief and general in nature, so they have the best chance of remaining relevant well into the future.

All clubs and all individual amateurs are invited to send their comments and suggestions to the WIA Manager Mal Brooks who will collate and distribute them to the Board.

Please either post your contribution to the WIA at PO Box 2042, Bayswater, VIC, 315 or send it by email to by 1 May 2012.

Operating Principles

The Board of the Wireless Institute of Australia has adopted the following Operating Principles as a guide for all amateurs:

We, the Australian Radio Amateurs will at all times:

  act and operate with integrity;

  be honest in our dealings;

  ensure that the operating equipment of our station is safe for ourselves and for visitors to our station;

  show respect to and extend courtesy to fellow amateurs and other spectrum users;

  be aware of and comply with our license conditions and the other laws and regulations that govern the installation and operation of our station;

  encourage others to participate in amateur radio;

  strive to improve our technical and operating skills;

  assist our community in emergencies;

  ensure that any spectrum interference issues resulting from the operation of our station are resolved promptly and with courtesy, and

  promote the benefits of amateur radio to the community.


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)