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2015 News Releases




Are you going to Gallipoli?

Date : 26 / 03 / 2015
Author : Jim Linton - VK3PC

The Türkiye Radyo Amatörleri Cemiyeti (TRAC) wants to know the names and callsigns of any Australian and New Zealand radio amateurs who will be on the Gallipoli Peninsula for ANZAC Day this year. TRAC would like to meet with the VK and ZL radio amateurs and show them a little hospitality and international friendship. If you are going to be there for the occasion, then immediately contact the WIA Director and ANZAC 100 Coordinator, Fred Swainston VK3DAC by email on who will pass on your details.

Meantime, the WIA reports that its ANZAC 100 program is generating a lot of interest both locally and overseas with 30 events already listed. All electronic QSL cards for ANZAC callsigns are now ready. The first log to be entered is from the successful Darwin Amateur Radio Club VI8ANZAC commemoration of the Albert Chalmers Borella VC journey re-enactment. Each QSO with an ANZAC-suffixed callsign in 2015 will be acknowledged by eQSL, with logs from all events also to appear on Logbook of The World.

There are eight eQSL cards, each with a different callsign. No inward QSL cards are encouraged. For more information, and online registration to receive electronic cards, visit the website These cards can also be seen under the State and Territory sections of the WIA website which has details of all ANZAC callsign events

The WIA deadline for ANZAC-suffix callsign applications to be received and processed for this year is March 31. The April edition of Amateur Radio magazine will feature ANZAC 100 on its cover with a story inside on the program.
All involved with the 30 ANZAC callsign events so far will be sent an information sheet containing a summary of the WIA ANZAC 100 program and what to say on air during the many QSOs that will result.


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