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2017 News Releases




Volunteers Needed For WIA Monitoring System

Date : 19 / 03 / 2017
Author : Peter Young - VK3MV

Wireless Institute of Australia observers looking for intruders on the ‘Primary’ frequencies of the Amateur Service on high frequency bands in 2016 found more than five thousand intrusions. These are collated into a monthly report before sending to the relevant spectrum regulatory agency in IARU member countries. A resulting clamp down on the Indonesian ‘village radio’ stations was occurring with the government regulator progressively removing offenders.

The WIA reports intruders to the Australian Communications and Media Authority, but due to the itinerant nature of some intruders the ACMA has difficulty in confirming them which draws out the process for their removal. Unfortunately, some administrations seem to ignore requests for the removal of interfering services. The observations have included a multitude of Over-The-Horizon-Radar (OTHR) systems mainly Chinese, Turkish, Iranian and British systems. There have also been CODAR systems (oceanographic radars) particularly on the 20m to 10m bands.

With the downward trend in the Solar cycle, there will be increasing numbers moving to the lower HF bands in future years. Among the observers are the very active John Kirk VK4TJ with monthly reports. Individual volunteers have also left frequent reports sent via the WIA website electronic lodgement system, including Lyn VK4SWE and Col VK4CC.

An increasing number of digital emissions are intruding, and the use of Software Defined Receivers (SDR) have identified non-amateur digital systems that are frequency hopping. The Manly-Warringah Amateur Radio Society of New South Wales has a five-band SDR receiver system that greatly assists in monitoring activities.
Other clubs could use SDR systems to not only help their club members but the intruder monitoring system as a whole.

For the WIA monitoring system to work volunteers are required. Information can be found on the WIA website on how to become an observer and what is involved. Link If your interested in assisting as a volunteer send a message to Peter Young by email vk3mv @

Please note, all applicants should have read and agree with the draft WIA Volunteer Charter. Link


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