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A message from the 2017 Wireless Institute of Australia Board election returning officer.

Date : 31 / 03 / 2017
Author : John Marshall WIA 2017 Ballot Returning Officer

Dear Members of the WIA.

I have had the pleasure of working with many members of the WIA over the last 6 months or so, and am impressed by the enthusiasm and dedication of those with whom I came into contact.

The sheer number of members who took the trouble to record and send back their ballots was also impressive, with around only 1% being deemed invalid for one reason or the other.

The hard work of those volunteers involved in the counting also needs to be commended. When it became obvious that around 1500 ballot papers had been returned, necessitating the recording of over 10,000 votes, the call went out at short notice for volunteer counters. The response was overwhelming.

The count took place over two nights, between 6.30 and 11 on the evening of 28th March and from 5.50 p.m. to 1 a.m. overnight on the 29th March.

I must also commend the staff at the head office, who worked so hard to bring the ballot together in a timely fashion. A massive task, often requiring quite lengthy attention out of hours and over the weekend. Whatever I asked for they just seemed to be able to produce without any fuss.

The members of the WIA have every right to feel proud of, and have confidence in their office bearers.

The successful candidates for election to the Board, and the number of votes polled, are as follows:
  Justin Giles-Clarke (1182)
  Gregory Kelly (1114)
  David Ford (1072)
  Marcus Berglund (955)
  Peter Clee (891)
  Philip Wait (690)
  Brian Clarke (687)

I wish them every success in the work they have ahead of them. Under the constitution, up to half of the board will be required to resign and face re-election next year. After that election, hopefully the usual 2 year tenure will return.

The unsuccessful candidates were:
  Ewan McLeod (645)
  James Linton (627)
  Roger Harrison (611)
  Garry Page (607)
  John Fisher (563)
  Fred Swainston (489)

I thank the unsuccessful candidates for nominating, and remind them that the next election is only 12 months away.

John Marshall.
2017 Ballot Returning Officer,
Wireless Institute of Australia


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