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2017 News Releases




The WIA board reaches 100 day milestone

Date : 06 / 09 / 2017
Author : Jim Linton - VK3PC

The Wireless Institute of Australia board of directors has quietly made progress in its first 100 days since the May annual general meeting held at Hahndorf South Australia. Usually the members or constituents of a newly elected organisation or government like to know about achievements and future plans. The WIA is no different.

The seven member board of directors have held four meetings, during which there has been a lot to learn and of course some changes have been implemented. One change has been the issuing of draft board meeting minutes to WIA members under certain conditions which are on the WIA website.
The visit to the WIA national office in Bayswater for nearly a week saw three directors look at its procedures, practices, customer service and facilities. Among the few changes made have been new hours for receiving phone calls, and those ringing out of hours are asked to use email or call back when the office is open. The WIA board has emphasised that contact with the WIA is preferred via email, or the online inquiry facility. The Frequently Asked Questions section on the WIA website might also contain the answer.

At each board meeting the WIA finances are considered. The WIA has three new signatories for its bank accounts and this helps greatly. A lot more work is needed in the financial area as the WIA board, with monthly input from its bookkeeper, is looking at the WIA revenue and expenditure, and where savings can be made.

The WIA board wants to concentrate on its primary role and to give it more time to do so, and has started to re-vitalise the committee structure.
First there were a number of vacancies, a mix of resignations and some new areas identified by the board. These have been in the area of the QSL bureau system, risk and audit, privacy and complaints, and a strategic look ahead for the WIA. The new Terms of References for them had to be written or drafted, to be considered and decided.

The next step taken in late August will see all committees sent a series of simple questions and asking that each have a minimum of seven active members. Advertising through SEEK volunteers, Facebook and WIA channels is to be coordinated. A three member selection panel will look at all applications and fill positions.

Another area of attention has been the proposed changes to the WIA constitution. These basically were for the removal of the initial set up details and some house cleaning and modernisation. The Constitution Review Committee reported again in June, and after directors considered it had consolidated feedback. The draft final changes will be put to the members, before becoming a motion at the WIA annual general meeting in May 2018.

Also work has been done on the WIA Election regulations and it needs further consultation with the Returning Officer, but changes are expected for the next election.

The WIA board hopes that WIA members and non-members thinking of re-joining can see that achievements and progress have been made already, and more are to come.


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