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2018 News Releases




Update on the Melbourne University Space Program

Date : 08 / 03 / 2018
Author : Fred Swainston - VK3DAC

The Melbourne University Space Program is on the move. This update information has been provided by Gabriel Abrahams VK3EXO.

From the RF perspective project personnel have successfully transmitted packets between the ground station and the satellite radio and interfaced the satellite radio with the flight computer. The satellite antenna has been deployed. All under test conditions. The ACMA recently approved the frequency allocation request and will be taking the application to the ITU on behalf of the project team. This is a huge achievement, particularly for an entirely student led organization.

A major milestone has been passed, last Saturday the second iteration of the FlatSat was assembled. The FlatSat consists of the final version of every team's PCB boards connected, identical to the final satellite except for the positions of the boards (ie they are on a table, not in the chassis). It has been powered on and passed the power up test. The next step is to perform extensive software and hardware testing. The testing will be over the next few weeks.

Progress with the Mission Operations website is going well, there are some exciting features that will allow the community to view live and recorded information about the satellite, such as 3D visualizations and sensor data. It will also be possible to upload any data received from the satellite's beacon downlinks.

We are on track for launch at the end of this year / early next year, which is very exciting!
Some pictures are attached of the satellite under the table top test and the assembled unit.

Please find us on Facebook and Twitter where updates are posed, find us with @melbspace
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