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2018 News Releases




WIA attends Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Meeting

Date : 20 / 03 / 2018
Author : WIA Board

The following is a summary of the report from Dale Hughes VK1DSH.

The Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) is a Regional Telecommunications Organisation (RTO) that, among other things, develops the Asia-Pacific regional view on World Radio Conference 2019 (WRC-19) agenda items. The third meeting of the APT Preparatory group for WRC-19 (APG19-3) and was held in Perth, Australia over the week 12 to 16 March 2018. Some 400 delegates from APT member states attended. It is important that the amateur service be represented at these meetings to ensure the best outcome for Region 3 amateurs.

Regional views on WRC-19 agenda items (AI’s) are important as the various RTO’s carry considerable weight at the WRC negotiations. The Australian delegation of 47 members was jointly headed by the ACMA and the Department of Communications and the Arts. Australian delegates represented various government departments, statutory authorities, broadcasters and satellite operators. Dale Hughes VK1DSH represented the WIA (and therefore Australia’s amateur service) and Dale was specifically responsible for WRC-19 agenda items 1.1 and 9.1.6.
There were many other amateurs attending - Mr. Ken Yamamoto JA1CJP (IARU Region 3 Secretary) was a member of the Japanese delegation and represented the JARL and the other IARU delegates were Mr. Shizuo Endo JE1MUI and Mr. Wisnu Widjaja YB0AZ.

The main WRC-19 amateur issue is agenda item 1.1 which relates to a possible new amateur allocation in the 50 – 54 MHz frequency band in ITU Region 1 and therefore is not of direct concern for Region 3 amateurs, however it is important to ensure that any decisions made by WRC-19 on this issue do not affect the Region 3 amateur allocations.
As the Australian agenda item coordinator for agenda items 1.1 and 9.1.6 Dale is responsible for the development of Australia’s position on these agenda items and presenting such views at ITU and APG meetings. For APG19-3 Australia submitted input contributions on all WRC-19 agenda items including items 1.1 and 9.1.6 and these contributions were considered in developing the preliminary Asia-Pacific regional views and associated output documents.

The IARU preliminary views on WRC-19 agenda items are given in annex 1 of this report.
The APG19-3 meeting is midway in the WRC-19 cycle, most views on WRC agenda items are starting to crystallise (incl. Australia) and will be refined over the next two APG meetings. The value of being at APG meetings (either as a member of a national delegation or as representative of the IARU) is finding out the various national views and being able to possibly influence national and regional views. A summary of the main results from APG19-3 is as follows

Agenda Item - Issue - Preliminary View
1.1 - Region 1 50 – 54 MHz amateur allocation - Good
1.7 - Additional spectrum for small satellites - OK, but watch
1.11 - Railway systems; possible new allocation - OK, but watch
1.12 - Spectrum for Intelligent Transport Systems - OK, but remains a threat
1.13 - mm wave spectrum for IMT - OK, but watch
1.16 - Additional RLAN spectrum at 5 GHz - OK, but remains a threat
9.1.6 - Wireless Power Transmission for electric vehicles - OK, but remains a threat

What is next?
The next APG and WRC meetings are planned to be:
  APG19-4: Korea, 7 – 12 January, 2019
  APG19-5: Japan, 31 July – 6 August, 2019
  WRC-19: Egypt, 28 October – 22 November 2019

It is important that we attend these meetings to ensure that the concerns of the amateur service are adequately expressed and incorporated in the relevant APG views and output texts.

APG19-3 was well run and successful; the views of the amateur service were represented in a professional manner and were noted in the relevant APG output documents. Input to future APG meetings through the WRC processes of each national administration (where possible) and the IARU on agenda items relevant to the amateur service is important and such input must be refined to clearly reflect the needs and concerns of the amateur service.

A full list of WRC-19 agenda items may be found in Resolution 809 (WRC-15).Link
The preliminary Australia views on all WRC-19 agenda items may be found on the ACMA website.Link
The finalised APG19-3 preliminary views on WRC-19 agenda items will appear on the APT website covering APG meetings under the ‘Documents’ section in due course.<lin>>Link
ACMA details on Australian Radio Study Groups (particularly ARSG-5).Link
Dale Hughes VK1DSH’s full report on the APG-3 meeting can be found below. The IARU preliminary views on WRC-19 agenda items is an annex to this report.

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WIA APG19 3 Report


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)