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2018 News Releases




Space Adventure Night at Templestowe Valley Primary School

Date : 24 / 03 / 2018
Author : Templestowe Valley Primary School

There was much expectation and excitement from families attending the Space Adventure Night at Templestowe Valley Primary School (VIC) on Monday 20th March. We were grouped [450 people] in the Multi-purpose Hall and outside under the basketball canopy eagerly awaiting astronaut Scott Tingle to speak to our students from his International Space Station orbiting earth. A group of [10] students from Grades 1-6 had been chosen prior to ask Scott Tingle questions, as he passed over Australia during the radio link-up.

A number of invited guests attended the Night including Mr Matthew Guy MP, Member for Bulleen, Mrs Eva McMaster, Principal of Doncaster SC, Mrs Lena Clark, Principal of Donvale PS, Patrons of the School – Mrs Trish Renfree, Mrs Sherie Matrakis and representa-tives from ARISS – John Costa [former School Council President], Robert Broomhead and our own Archie T [5S], one of the youngest amateur radio operators in Australia [article on p. 7 of the Manningham Leader newspaper featuring Archie T and Level 3 Coordinator, Miss McPherson].

The Principal welcomed the attendees and then handed over to Mrs Faith Toy, who explained what was to occur when the radio link took effect. The excitement reached fever pitch when we finally heard Scott Tingle’s voice, as he answered the student’s questions. The students were presented with certificates from ARISS, at the conclusion to the Night, for their contribution to the important event.

It was an incredible experience for all those who attended and one that will be etched in our memories forever. Special thanks to John Costa, Archie T [5S], Robert Broomhead, Tony Hutchinson [ARISS link in South Australia], Faith Toy, Miss Jane McPherson [ably supported by Mr Cretney and Miss Rossi] and the students who posed the questions to Scott Tingle.

Photo above - Archie Toy VK3FTOY and Robert Broomhead VK3DN listening to Scott’s answer to Archie’s question.


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