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2018 News Releases




Press Release - IARU Region 3 50th Anniversary

Date : 16 / 04 / 2018
Author : IARU

14th April is a red letter day for radio amateurs in Asia and Pacific being the date on which IARU Region 3 was established in 1968.
From a small beginning at a conference in Sydney Australia on 12th through 14th April 1968, the IARU Region 3 is now a very well developed organisation representing and safeguarding the interests of radio amateurs in the region.

In Sydney in 1968 the participants were of the opinion that the organisation should achieve two objectives:

a) Ultimate Aim – To establish and maintain continual liaison between Region 3 countries with a view to presenting a united front at future ITU conferences and to maintain a program of assistance to developing countries.
b) Immediate Aim – At Sydney in 1968, to establish an administrative and organizational framework to enable the achievement of the ultimate aim, following perhaps the pattern of Region 1 and Region 2.

The participants were representatives of Australia (WIA), Japan (JARL), New Zealand (NZART), Philippines (PARA) and the President of IARU (W0DX). Support for the meeting and apologies from Ceylon, India, South Korea, Laos, Thailand, United Kingdom and Hong Kong. W0DX was appointed to preside.

At Conferences in Tokyo in 1971 and Hong Kong in 1975, the further working details were formulated keeping in mind:

1. Region 3 is very wide spread extending half way round the world and having areas in the tropics and both temperature zones.
2. Region 3 contains half the world’s population, but has the lowest resources per capita in its overall economy.
3. To do what should be done for amateur radio in Region 3 was a mammoth task, to which those present could well contribute, but for which they could not assume full responsibility.
4. Recognising the important voting strength of Region 3 governments in ITU conferences a most important objective was to influence them towards favourable amateur radio policies, even in advance of practical progress in the respective countries.
5. A regional organization could promote periodic meetings of Region 3 society representatives, to advance IARU objectives, such meetings fulfilling a need not otherwise provided for in the overall IARU set-up.

Triennial conferences have been held since then at regular 3 – yearly intervals to decide on the directors for the next triennium, to review work done and decide on policies and priorities for the future.

IARU Region 3 has since its formation, provided substantial support for the societies and their members spread out all over Asia and Pacific.

Stop Press: IARU Region 3 plans to promote the operation of Special Call Sign stations by the Member Societies and to issue the 50th Anniversary Award to those who make QSOs with these Special Call Sign stations. You can read about the Australian Special Event callsign via this Link

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