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2018 News Releases




WIA AGM Inspirational Dinner Presentation

Date : 20 / 06 / 2018
Author : WIA Board

The convention dinner and presentation was held at the Waterfall Restaurant in the Seaworld Convention centre on the Saturday night - 19 May 2018.

It was attended by well over 150 people and there was a great feast of seafood and salads and much more flowing all night.

The guest speaker was Jeff Johnson VK4XJJ. Jeff covered his heroic walk from Spencer Gulf to the Gulf of Carpentaria in pictures and wonderful stories.

Jeff was 66 years young when he left Port Augusta on the 5th of April 2007 and arrived at Kurumba, Queensland on Sunday, 2nd of September, a walk of approximately five months duration.

Jeff, took a Yaesu FT-817nd and 1/2 wave dipole which he strung up between a couple of trees every evening. He used 40m mostly and talked regularly with brother Bill, VK2FWGJ in Newcastle and Roger, VK4BNQ, located at Gympie. To achieve 5 watts, Jeff carried a 2.5AH battery. He charged this and his satellite phone with a solar panel that he wore around his neck.

There are several reasons for Jeff's walk but one of the most important was to raise funds and awareness for the DeafBlind Association in NSW.

Jeff shared some great photos of the trip and the many people who he met along the way.

A huge thank you to Jeff for an inspirational presentation.

A link to Jeff's website can be found here: Link

Page Last Updated: Thursday 21 June 2018 at 9:42 hours by Justin Giles-clark


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