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2018 News Releases




Ham radio helping lifelong hobbyists stay mentally fit in old age

Date : 27 / 06 / 2018
Author : WIA

Anthony Pancia from ABC South West WA interviewed 82 years young Norman Gomm VK6GOM about the benefits of the hobby of Ham Radio.

Mr Gomm spends a few hours a day in the shack and said "Ham radio requires a lot of cognitive skills and a lot of understanding technology, so I find that's very good for keeping me active."

Richard Oxley VK6VRO was interviewed as well from his ham table in his backyard. Richard is legally blind and finds the hobby of amateur radio fun and commented "you never get sick of making that first contact with someone from overseas".

Peter Clee VK8ZZ Secretary of the WIA comments that enthusiasts regularly fund and build satellites that are launched into space and talk with the International Space Station.

The technical aspect alone of setting up a ham radio station would be of interest to anyone looking for something challenging said Mr Clee.

The article finishes with that comment that it is this challenge that continues to draw enthusiasts like Mr Gomm back to his ham shack on a daily basis.

For the complete article and video take a look at the Link

Picture sourced from the ABC website.

Page Last Updated: Thursday 28 June 2018 at 23:10 hours by Justin Giles-clark


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A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)