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2018 News Releases




ACMA Qualifications Framework Outcome and Submissions Released

Date : 16 / 08 / 2018
Author : WIA

The ACMA have released the outcome and submissions to their consultation - New approaches to amateur radio qualification arrangements.

This consultation sought new approaches to the way that amateur radio operator qualifications are conferred.

The current arrangements have been in place for 10 years and the Deed of Agreement with the WIA expires in February 2019.

The ACMA in the consultation paper outlined three possible approaches to how amateur radio qualifications are conferred in the future.

Following the consideration of submissions the ACMA have settled on Approach No. 1 - an approved body to provide training, conduct examinations and issue certificates of proficiency through delegation under the Act.

A proposed criterion under approach 1 is that the organisation is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). As part of the tender, the Commonwealth expects to express a preference that the successful tenderer is either an RTO, has the capacity to become an RTO before the contract commencement date, or is partnered or affiliated with an RTO.

Qualifications would be issued as certificates of proficiency under the Act. This would allow the ACMA to continue to meet its domestic and international obligations.

The ACMA is also considering the establishment of a Syllabus Review Panel to ensure that the amateur syllabus remains fit for purpose.

The WIA is currently preparing for the release and response to the Tender in late August - early September.

For further information take a look at: Link

Page Last Updated: Thursday 16 August 2018 at 16:3 hours by Justin Giles-clark


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
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