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2018 News Releases




17th IARU Region 3 Conference Seoul, Republic of Korea

Date : 15 / 09 / 2018
Author : IARU Region 3

International Amateur Radio Union Region 3


Date: 15 September 2018
17th IARU Region 3 Conference
Seoul, Republic of Korea

1. The triennial conference of Region 3 was inaugurated on Monday 10th September 2018.

2. The meeting observed a minute silence in memory of Shozo Hara JA1AN, Jim Linton VK3PC, Raj Singh 3D2ER, Fred Johnson ZL2AMJ and Jeong-Kuk Hyeon HL1AUG who went SK during past three years.

3. Mr. Hyeong-Su Kim, DS2HTR, as the President of Conference, welcomed everyone on behalf of the host Society, the Korean Amateur Radio League (KARL).

4. Mr. Gopal Madhavan VU2GMN, Chairman of Directors of IARU Region 3, thanked the guests for their attendance and welcomed the delegates to the 17th IARU Region 3 Conference on behalf of the IARU Region 3 Officers.

5. Mr. Timothy Ellam VE6SH, President of the IARU, welcomed the participants on behalf of the IARU Officers and the International Secretariat and thanked KARL for hosting the 17th Triennial Conference of IARU Region 3.

6. Mrs. Lee, Young-Mi, the President of Central Radio Management Service, Republic of Korea, also welcomed the participants to the Conference. She recognized the general role of amateur radio in science and education in this country. She also wished the Conference every success.

7. The conference saw participation by 13 societies in person (ARRL/BDARA/CRAC/CTARL/HARTS/JARL/KARL/MARTS/NZART/ORARI/RAST/SARTS/ WIA) and three by proxy (PARA/RSSL/RSGB). Also attending was the IARU President Tim Ellam VE6SH, Vice President Ole Garpestad LA2RR and Secretary Dave Sumner K1ZZ, from Region 1 President Don Beattie G3BJ and Secretary Hans Blondeel Timmerman PB2T, Region 2 President Reinaldo Leandro YV5AM and Vice President Ramon Santoyo XE1KK.

8. Two working groups were formed
 WG1-Policy matters that included education, training, development of amateur radio and international and regional conferences involving radio administrations with special concentration on IARU Branding and threat to amateur radio spectrum from the Wireless Power Transfer (WPT).
 WG2- Operational and Technical Matters, including emergency communications, digital modes, APRS common frequency with special attention on proposed interim band plans.
 In addition, a separate Finance committee was formed where all delegates were invited to participate.
 A total of 42 papers were discussed by the working groups and recommendations submitted to conference.

9. The Administrative Council of IARU also met just before the Region 3 conference with Chairman Gopal Madhavan VU2GMN and Director Peter Young VK3MV participating on behalf of Region 3 with Director Don Wallace ZL2TLL and Secretary Ken Yamamoto JA1CJP also attending as observers. The Administrative Council members also participated in the conference.

10. The following six were elected by voting following nine nominations:

a) Mohd Aris Bin Bernawi 9M2IR
b) Jakkree Hantongkom HS1FVL
c) Ken Yamamoto JA1CJP
d) Peter Young VK3MV
e) Wisnu Widjaja YB0AZ
f) Don Wallace ZL2TLL

The directors then elected Wisnu Widjaja YB0AZ as their Chairman, which was endorsed by conference.

Shizuo Endo JE1MUI was appointed unopposed as Secretary.

11. The conference praised the KARL organizing committee, headed by Dr. Choi, Yong-Seok HL3OB and the team of volunteers, the hotel, arrangements for meetings etc.

12. The conference thanked Han, Jung-Hoon HL2AGG for taking on the role of conference chairman and conducting the meetings with efficiency.

13. One verbal invitation followed by the written invitation was received from RAST to host the 18th Regional Conference of IARU Region 3 at Bangkok in Thailand. RAST announced that he 18th Conference would be held in September/October 2021.

Page Last Updated: Saturday 15 September 2018 at 15:3 hours by Justin Giles-clark


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