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2018 News Releases




Update on Special Event callsigns for the Armistice Centenary

Date : 28 / 10 / 2018
Author : WIA

As previously advised, the WIA has secured special event callsigns for use across all Australian States and Territories, to commemorate the signing of the Armistice that ended World War 1. There is still time to apply to get on the roster to use the commemorative callsigns.

The callsigns available are VI # PEACE and VI # LWF, with the # representing the call area numerals – one through zero.

In addition, VI100PEACE has also been obtained.

The commemorative callsigns will be available for use over the nine days between the 3rd and the 11th of November.

In particular, between those dates, look out for VI9PEACE from Christmas Island.

The commemorative callsigns are available on a roster basis for periods of at least 24 hours over 3-11 November.

Clubs, groups and/or individuals can apply to use the State and Territory callsigns on a roster basis for periods at least 24 hours over 3-11 November. Clubs, in particular, are encouraged to apply to enable a broader range of operators to be involved and thus gain experience with special event callsign operations.

To make an application, send an email to, with “Armistice callsigns” in the subject line.

These callsigns and their licence fees are paid for by the WIA, and the ACMA has agreed on their use for the nominated period.

Don’t forget that the ACMA licence conditions apply when using the special event callsigns. Foundation and Intermediate licensees will be able to use the callsigns, but the relevant licence conditions apply regarding bands, modes and power, unless an Advanced operator is present during the operation.

Other WW1 Armistice Events

Other allied countries that took part in World War 1 will have special event amateur callsigns on the air to commemorate the signing of the Armistice.

The Italian special event station II3BVV began operating on 24th October, and will continue through to 4th November. Look out for II3BVV on 80, 40 and 20 metres SSB, CW and digital modes. The operator is Ari Vittorio Veneto. All QSOs will be confirmed via the bureau and eQSL. For more information, visit: Link.

Commemorating the Armistice in the United Kingdom, GB100ARM will be on-air over 1-28 November, operated by Marc G0TOC. QSL via the RSGB Bureau or direct to G0TOC.

In addition, GB8GW will be operating over 1-30 November to mark the end of World War I, courtesy of the Welland Valley Amateur Radio Society. Further information is on the Society’s website, at: Link

In the USA, the National WW1 Museum and Memorial in Kansas, Missouri, will put WW1USA to air over 3-4 November, commemorating Armistice Day. Visit: Link

From France, TM5PAX will be active on all bands and modes 28 October through 11 November. QSL via F5JSQ, LoTW and eQSL.

South Africa will be on-air with ZS100WWI over 1-30 November. QSL via ZS4BS via

Page Last Updated: Saturday 27 October 2018 at 14:55 hours by Justin Giles-clark


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