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2018 News Releases




VI25AJ - Australian Jamboree 2019

Date : 16 / 12 / 2018
Author : WIA & Scouts Australia

The following has been supplied by Brett Nicholas VK2BNN the National Coordinator JOTA/JOTI Scouts Australia.

In January approximately 8000 scouts will be converging on Tailem Bend in South Australia to participate in the 25th Australian Jamboree, AJ2019.


At this event Amateur Radio will be showcased operating under the special event call sign VI25AJ.

A showcase station has been planned demonstrating many aspects of our exciting hobby and an ARDF course will be running. We are expecting 2000 scouts to participate in the Amateur Radio activity over the duration of the Jamboree. Get on the air and give us a call.

The station will be relying on as many amateurs as possible to assist us to conduct as many on air demonstrations as possible. We will be active on the HF bands both SSB and digital modes, Satellites, IRLP and EchoLink. Full details will be available via our QRZ page.


If you are attending AJ2019 once activities have finished for the day the showcase station will be available for licensed amateurs to use.
Bring your HT, we will have an IRLP linked repeater onsite.

A number of our VI25AJ operators are WIA assessors, if you are attending AJ2019 and have been thinking about a license upgrade let us know and we can arrange an assessment over the course of the Jamboree.

Brett would also like to thank all the individual Amateurs and clubs that are assisting with equipment and staffing of the station. In particular Brett would like to mention the Amateur Radio Experimenters Group, Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society and the SA & VIC Scout Electronics and Radio Team's for their assistance and support.

Check out our VI25AJ QRZ page for further details or email Brett on if you require further information.

If you hear us on the air give us a call.

(Brett Nicholas VK2BNN, National Coordinator
JOTA/JOTI Scouts Australia)

Page Last Updated: Sunday 16 December 2018 at 9:16 hours by Justin Giles-clark


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
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