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2018 News Releases




WIA Representation at APG19-4

Date : 20 / 12 / 2018
Author : WIA

Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Conference Preparatory Group - APG 19-4 is the penultimate meeting of the Asia Pacific Telecommunity before World Radio Conference 2019. This meeting sets the Asia Pacific position that is taken to WRC. WRC-19 Agenda Items of amateur interest are 1.1 (50 MHz) and 9.1.6 (Wireless Power Transfer). It is important that amateurs continue to be represented at APG meetings as part of national delegations. The IARU-R3 usually sends a number of delegates as well.

APG19-4 is being held in Busan, South Korea from January 7-12, 2019.

Unfortunately Dale Hughes VK1DSH is unable to attend due to family circumstances and the call went out for interested members. Peter Pokorny VK2EMR answered the call and this is a great example of the depth of skills, knowledge and experience that we have within the amateur community.

Peter has recently retired from full-time maritime communications work, and is keeping his hand in by performing small consultancies for the ITU-D sector (Indonesia & Solomon Islands) on maritime radio agenda items. Peter is also a registered “ITU Expert” for maritime radio.

Peter has been involved with ITU matters over the last two ITU study cycles (WRC-12 and WRC-15) in Geneva, and APG meetings. Peter has recently been involved in consultancies for AMSA involving the Indonesian IARU/ORARI representatives and interference into the maritime and amateur HF bands from unauthorised fishing vessel stations and associated land stations.

Peter has been involved in many ITU/APG processes, and recently re-joined Australian ARSG 4, 5 and PG WRC-19 consultative groups and is assisting the IARU on CISPR issues.

The Australian Government Head of Delegation was pleased to welcome and invite Peter as part of the delegation. The level of Peter’s experience so impressed the delegation that he has been invited to take on the role of negotiator and provide expert advice on Agenda 1.1.

We welcome Peter to the team.

Page Last Updated: Thursday 20 December 2018 at 22:32 hours by Justin Giles-clark


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