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2019 News Releases




Celebrating Low Power Operation

Date : 09 / 03 / 2019
Author : WIA/IARU

The interest in QRP activities is everlasting in the amateur radio community worldwide.

QRP radio communications demonstrates a high skill and knowledge level of radio amateurs, and offers advantages concerning, among others, through the reduction of man-made interference or QRM on the amateur bands.

At the 10th IARU Region 3 Conference held in September 1997 in Beijing a resolution was passed to recommend the following:

"That Region 3 Societies help to promote the IARU objectives for QRP operation, specifically:

i) to support QRP operation on June 17 each year;

ii) to foster QRP activities by their members;

iii) to encourage regular publication of QRP articles in their national magazines;

iv) to provide QRP sections in any national contests; and

v) to assist other Societies with the promotion and development of QRP."

Why not think about your club hosting a QRP Field day or a QRP contest?

The VK QRP Club has a great annual contest that is held in October each year. This club also has some great resources available.


A good example of a QRP activity is the QRP by Bay event held in VK3 and organised by Peter Parker VK3YE.

Short YouTube video of the 2018 event: Link

Peter Parker VK3YE has some fantastic QRP resources, ebooks and videos available from his website at Link

Maybe your club could think about holding a QRP homebrewing activities day or a workshop on QRP activities. These could include Summits on the Air (SOTA) or World-Wide Flora and Fauna (WWFF) activities.

If your club does host or support a QRP event then let know about it to get some national exposure along with your state broadcasts to attract local interest.

As the motto of the VK QRP Club says "we do more with less".

Picture for this story sourced from WA0UWH website - 30m QRP Beacon Link

Related Files

IARU Region 3 QRP Celebration Reminder
QRP day 2019_0001.pdf

Page Last Updated: Saturday 9 March 2019 at 17:48 hours by Justin Giles-clark


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)