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2019 News Releases




WIA Bookshop is now truly online!

Date : 22 / 03 / 2019
Author : WIA

The WIA online bookshop is now truly online!


Given the rise of the global economy, and Amazon in particular, maintaining the existing WIA online bookshop, with actual stock of real books, has proved to be not cost effective. Simply put - the WIA cannot compete with the multi-national giants.

So, the business model of the WIA bookshop has changed. The bookshop will now become what is effectively a "curated list" of recommended books.

At the bottom of each page there are now links to allow you to purchase these books at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository & Booktopia.

These are referral links, so if a purchase results from someone following these links, the WIA will receive a small consideration. There is no additional cost to you. These international sellers usually offer hardback, paperback, eBook and second-hand offerings with fast and often free delivery.

You will need to create an account at these sellers should you wish to purchase, but that is a small price to pay for wide choice, low cost and speedy delivery. It also means the end of differential pricing for members and non-members - everybody gets the cheap price!

You can still buy WIA products/merchandise in the bookshop - that aspect has not changed.

There is now an opportunity to review the bookshop offerings. We are no longer constrained by having to carry physical stock. The current list of books on offer has served us well over the years, but now is an opportunity to review it and ensure that it has the best of the current offerings.

If you like, it will become the recommended reading list. If you have any suggestions as to what should be offered in the bookshop, please let Marc know at, but there are a few criteria:

 It must have an ISBN.
 Any suggested book must be normally carried by at least 3 of the 4 currently offered vendors.
 We are not trying to build a list of every AR book on the planet. We are trying to build a list of "best of breed", i.e. those seminal books that 'everyone should have'.
 The book must be good value for money.

A huge thank you to Marc Hillman VK3OHM who setup the technology behind this. Marc is not looking to be the curator in the long term and so the WIA is looking for a suitable person who would like to be bookshop curator. If interested then email Marc and have a chat then let us know via

The WIA has chosen the 4 online vendors on specific criteria. It is possible to adjust our offerings, and if anybody has a recommendation for an appropriate online store, please let Marc know.

Again, we are not aiming to support every online vendor, just the 'best' ones.

Please support the WIA by buying books through their referral links.

Page Last Updated: Friday 22 March 2019 at 16:25 hours by Justin Giles-clark


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