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2019 News Releases




ACMA Reinstates USA Licence/Exam Reciprocity.

Date : 24 / 09 / 2019
Author : WIA Board & VEA

The ACMA contacted the WIA on 23 September 2019 to advise that they are reinstating the reciprocal arrangement for US licence holders. The reinstatement follows a period of suspension of reciprocity precipitated by a complainant objecting to the granting of VK licences. The WIA believes that irrespective of the motivations of the complainant to raise their objections, the impact of the suspension was only to increase barriers to entry to Amateur Radio in Australia, and was most unhelpful. Hence the WIA is pleased that this restriction has been now lifted.

Note the reciprocal licence is valid only for 12 months from issue and the ACMA advised it cannot be renewed or extended unless the recipient passes the local regulations examination. Here is the background:

ACMA Reinstates USA Licence/Exam Reciprocity.

Volunteer Examiners Australia (VEA) are pleased to announce that the Australian Communications and Media Authority’s (ACMA) review of USA reciprocal licensing has been completed with endorsement of the existing regulations.

VEA have been active in helping ACMA with the review as it was imperative the current system remained intact.

Realising the significance of this for all Amateurs wishing to travel to Australia and those legitimately wishing to utilize the USA training, assessment and qualification regime, VEA made representations to the Minister for Communications and the Arts , ACMA, the US Government via its Australian Ambassador, the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) and the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) concerning the likelihood that Australia would no longer be honouring its treaty obligations by not accepting USA qualifications while simultaneously potentially dropping out of Harmonised Amateur Radio Examination Certificate (HAREC) compliance.

“VEA worked hand in hand with the ACMA, WIA and AMC to ensure the best, all round outcome for all amateurs”, said a VEA representative.

ACMA has now formally qualified its reasoning for suspending reciprocal processing of only USA qualifications. Holders of other countries Amateur Radio qualifications were free to apply without suspension.

“We are pleased to announce we have succeeded in encouraging the ACMA to review the execution of reciprocal rights, not the rights themselves, in particular the time a license granted under those rights could operate without showing they had passed both the Australian practical and regulations exams.” said a VEA team member.

Reciprocal rights for holders of foreign amateur radio qualifications as tabled in “Australian Equivalence to Overseas Amateur Qualifications” (ACMA) are unaffected and are valid regardless of citizenship status or country of residence. These rights will be valid for up to 12 months and during that time holders of foreign qualifications, regardless of citizenship or country of residence, can use their qualifications as evidence of RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) for an AOCP(x) if they are assessed or provide evidence of obtaining passes in Australian Regulations and Practical assessment components.

“ACMA, in ensuring correct protocol, have expended a significant amount of resources in its objective of conducting the role of regulator of the Amateur Radio Service and for this we are grateful. ”, said a VEA Representative.

Page Last Updated: Friday 27 September 2019 at 7:47 hours by Robert Broomhead


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