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2020 News Releases




WIA 2020 Annual Conference Presentations

Date : 11 / 01 / 2020
Author : WIA 2020 Conference Organising Committee

The WIA Annual Conference will be held in Hobart Tasmania over the 8th to 10th May 2020 and registrations are open and selling fast.

On the Saturday afternoon we have a fantastic range of presentations organised to showcase our conference theme which is “Antarctic Gateway”.

Following lunch we have two presentation streams which can be categorised as the “Antarctic” stream and the “Radio” stream.

In the “Antarctic” stream we have confirmed the following presenters:

 Rex Moncur VK7MO who will talk about his period as Director of the Australian Antarctic Division between 1988 and 1999.
 Dr Andrew Klekociuk from the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) will take the audience through some history and the past and present atmospheric studies being conducted in Antarctica by the AAD.
 Dr Roland Watzl is Deputy Chief Medical Officer with the AAD and will outline what is involved with Polar Medicine in Antarctica.
 Peter Yates VK7PY and Kim Briggs VK7KB will provide an Antarctic Communications Review entitled from Mawson to Satellites which will look at the different radio technologies used in Antarctica over the last 100 years.
 Brian Rieusset formerly a radio amateur who will be providing recollections of Antarctic Amateurs in 1968.
 Finally in this stream Roger Harrison VK2ZRH will present his time at Casey Station in 1970 where he operated AX0GR.

In the “Radio” stream we have the following presentations confirmed:

 Steve Adler VK5SFA will be presenting on his DXPedition 4 Square DX Antenna Systems and may even include some info about his amazing transmitting magnetic loop antennas.
 David Minchin VK5KK, Tim Dixon VK5ZT and Iain Crawford VK5ZD will give a presentation on the second Epic VK Microwave Tour and the involvement of some European Amateurs who came along for the ride!
 David Minchin VK5KK again will provide an update on the amazing 122GHz Transverter which uses the 122GHz radar chips.
 Jamie Campbell VK2YCJ with his continuing experiments with the KiwiSDR and Noise and Interference Reduction and
 Finishing off the radio stream will be Phil Tompson VK7SS who runs the very successful company - Novaris that makes Lightning Protection Systems and installs them all over the world.

A quick reminder of the fantastic deal from the Spirit of Tasmania with discounted fares and accommodation on the ship for the two weeks before and after the conference weekend. We have also been given permission to operate 6m, 2m and 70cm handhelds maritime mobile on the Spirit for this period. This is a unique opportunity to operate Maritime Mobile on your travels.

We finish off with a reminder that we have negotiated a great deal from the Conference venue – Best Western Hobart with $149 per night rooms. Check out the WIA website to see what to do to take advantage of this discounted rate.

For more information following the Link

If you have any questions about the conference then please email:

We hope to see you in Hobart for the WIA 2020 Annual Conference.

Page Last Updated: Sunday 12 January 2020 at 8:37 hours by Justin Giles-clark


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