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2020 News Releases




AGM debrief

Date : 25 / 07 / 2020
Author : Peter Clee - VK8ZZ

This year the AGM was a held as a virtual meeting utilising zoom whilst also being streamed live on YouTube. There were 83 registrations to attend the AGM, and we had 42 members joining online and the rest watched the stream on YouTube.

We kept it a very simple affair. There was no business conducted that was not required. Members only needed to consider the matter of the previous minutes as well as the Audited Financial Statements, the Directors report and other statutory matters.

Consideration had been given to making some changes to the Constitution, but the Board decided to postpone any such amendments for the time being. We may hold a special general meeting to consider any such changes at some time in the future. These changes were mooted in the Presidents report, which will be included in the AGM draft minutes.

Clause 12.3 of our constitution states that “ At the first meeting of the Board following an AGM, the Directors shall appoint from there number a President and a Vice President, who shall hold office until the meeting of the Board following an annual general meeting.” The Board will hold its next regular meeting on Tuesday 28th July whereupon the executive positions will be filled.

At the conclusion of the AGM Vice President Aidan VK4APM completed his term as a WIA director, Aidan did not re-nominate at the election conducted earlier this year. Aidan did a lot of work behind the scenes and the WIA are grateful for his contribution.

Scott Williams VK3KJ also completed his short term as director, thus creating two vacancies on the Board. The Board wish to thank Aidan and Scott for there hard work and contribution to the WIA during there term of office. I know that they will not be far away if we need to call on them for assistance this coming year..

Section 12.5 (a) of the constitution deals with WIA Board casual vacancies. It states in part that “if any vacancy occurs in the Board for any reason, that vacancy must be filled within three calendar months.”

We recently advertised in the national news seeking expressions of interest to fill the vacant Board positions. We have received a number of such expressions of interest. These will be considered by the Board imminently to get a full compliment of seven back on the board as soon as possible.

I wish to thank all member for contributing to the AGM, firstly by voting on the proxy voting form, and secondly by showing your keen interest to register to participate in the AGM. The event went very smoothly.

The Minutes of the AGM will be available in about 4 weeks as will the committee forum reports. Links will be advertised on the WIA web page.

The video of the proceeding of the entire AGM will be available on the WIA web page later this week.

WIA MERIT AWARDS were announced at the AGM are:

RON WILKINSON Achievement award

Kaye Wright VK3FKDW (sk)
for outstanding service to the WIA as the secretary of the AR Publications Committee.


Rubens Fernandes VK5FE
for the publication of a 3GHz Spectrum analyser for which he also received the RSGB Ostermeyer Trophy


David Dufty
for his literary contributions about Florence McKenzie's involvement in Amateur Radio in his book “Radio Girl”

Anthony Monger VK2KZ
for leading the Organising Committee for the 2019 AGM and Conference.

Tony Hutchison VK5ZAI
for contribution to the ARISS program


Al Shawsmith Award - Michael Charteris VK4QS,

Higginbotham Award - Dr Harry Edgar VK6YBZ

2021 Conference and AGM

Now the great news is that the postponed annual conference which was supposed to be held in May, will be held over the weekend of 30 April, 1 and 2 May 2021, in Hobart Tasmania. Information on accommodation, events and registration will be advertised later this year.

We look forward to seeing you all in Hobart in 2021.

Peter Clee VK8ZZ
WIA Secretary

Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 28 Jul 2020 at 10:27 hours by Peter Clee


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