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2022 News Releases




ACMA proposals on Class Licensing – WIA responding

Date : 27 / 10 / 2022
Author : Roger Harrison VK2ZRH

ACMA proposals on Class Licensing – WIA responding

A number of sticking points in the ACMA’s proposed amateur class licence and considerations for higher power operation have been identified by the Working Group developing the Wireless Institute's response.

Following an initial meeting of the Working Group via Zoom on 3rd October, a further meeting was held on the 18th of October to continue progressing development of a comprehensive response.

As this is going to be a quantum step in the evolution of amateur licensing in Australia, such as we have not seen previously, the details need close and careful consideration.

It is notable that a number of issues to improve amateur privileges that the WIA has doggedly pursued over a decade or more are included in the ACMA’s proposal – like access to the whole 6m band for Standard licensees, for example. That deserves a big tick!

At the Working Group’s latest meeting, work on developing answers to the ACMA’s numerous questions in its consultation paper was continued. In addition, work has begun on comparing the existing licence conditions (apparatus licensing) to the ACMA’s draft Radiocommunications (Amateur Stations) Class Licence 2022.

Parallel work is continuing on developing details of the proposed amateur community survey to gather viewpoints and suggestions from individuals, groups and WIA Affiliated Clubs. Part of the reason for doing this is that we note the ACMA’s stated view that they don’t wish to deal with large numbers of form letter responses to the consultation.

An exposure draft of the WIA’s response to the ACMA is anticipated to be ready in early November.
Sharpen your keyboards to join the WIA’s radio amateur community survey when it opens online in November.

The deadline for responding to the ACMA’s proposals is 29 November.
The ACMA intends to implement the proposed arrangements from 1 July 2023.

Regular despatches concerning the ACMA’s licensing proposals will continue from the Wireless Institute's Working Group.

Leading the Working Group is the WIA’s Regulatory Counsel, Peter Young VK3MV.
Peter has been licensed since 1965 and has a background in maritime communications engineering. He is a former Regional Manager with the ACMA in Melbourne and, since retiring, held positions with the WIA as a director in the WIA Board, director with the Region 3 International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) and on the Spectrum Strategy committee.

Members of the Working Group come from a wide variety of backgrounds and experience, but particularly having experience in preparing persuasive responses to government proposals, expertise in RF engineering, in science, and in the machinery of government.
Members also have interests in contesting and DX, home design and construction, and propagation.

Page Last Updated: Thursday, 27 Oct 2022 at 11:25 hours by Lee Moyle


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