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2022 News Releases




WIA Response to ACMA Consultation 31_2022

Date : 06 / 12 / 2022
Author : Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW

WIA Response to ACMA Consultation 31_2022

The WIA responded to the ACMA consultation on the proposed amateur class licence and
considerations for higher power operation.

The comprehensive consultation response was put together by the WIA Spectrum Strategy Committee following the release of an exposure draft and an accompanying survey of members. The survey results assisted the committee to shape the final response to the ACMA.

615 members and non-members responded to the survey and provided extensive feedback and thoughts on the important consultation questions.

In summary this lead the WIA to respond to the ACMA in the following ways:

● The WIA now provides qualified support for the move to a class licence and has provided some suggestions on how to address our residual concerns around the following matters:
○ the loss of a public register of call signs and the publication of call signs
○ transition to a class licence and associated documentation
○ range of Class Licence drafting issues that have been identified.

● The WIA has supported and made a range of suggestions on how to further improve call sign administration & policy along with short term and long term reciprocal arrangements for visiting amateurs.

● The WIA is very pleased to support the updates to the LF/MF technical condition update, revised access conditions for 50-52 MHz and removal of the radiocommunications relaying restrictions.

● In relation to higher power operation, the WIA welcomes the ACMA’s reconsideration of this area and puts forward a range of principles and suggestions for moving this issue forward using the ARPANSA and AS/NZS 2772.2 standards as the basis for scientific assessment of safety risks.

● The WIA has put forward a cautious phased approach over 1-3 years to introduce high power privileges. The WIA advocates for a program based on education with new syllabus requirements, information campaigns and an accompanying toolset to enable and support those in the amateur service to upskill. This will hopefully provide the ACMA with confidence that those amateurs operating higher power are doing so with the knowledge, skill and experience to operate safely in relation to the public and themselves.

We acknowledge that there is still a substantial difference of opinion as to how to achieve a workable solution, however the WIA is keen to work with the ACMA in a collaborative and open way to reach an acceptable outcome.

The WIA thanks the ACMA for the opportunity to comment on its proposals affecting the amateur community.

The WIA Response can be found at Link

Related Files

WIA Response to ACMA Consultation 31_2022 - v1.0.pdf
WIA Response to ACMA Consultation 31_2022 - v1.0.pdf

Page Last Updated: Wednesday, 07 Dec 2022 at 10:23 hours by Lee Moyle


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