ACMA Consultation on Frequency allocations
Date :
01 /
05 /
Author :
Peter Clee - VK8ZZ
ACMA consults on proposed changes to amateur access in the 50–52 MHz and 3.4–3.6 GHz frequency bands </B>
In September 2022, the ACMA consulted on proposed amateur class licensing arrangements and higher power operation. They proposed changes to the draft amateur class licence to provide access to the 50–52 MHz frequency band for Standard amateur licensees and overseas visiting amateurs with equivalent qualifications (overseas equivalents).
The ACMA advised that, pending consultation outcomes, they would make these changes to the Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Amateur Licence) Determination 2015 (the Amateur Licence LCD) and the Radiocommunications (Overseas Amateurs Visiting Australia) Class Licence 2015 (the Overseas Amateurs Class Licence), before the amateur class licence is implemented.
All submitters who commented on these changes supported the proposal.
The draft amateur class licence also reflected their intention to remove access from Advanced amateur licensees and their overseas equivalents in the 3.4–3.6 GHz frequency band. This is within areas re-allocated for spectrum licensing under the Radiocommunications (Spectrum Re allocation – 3.4 GHz and 3.7 GHz Bands) Declaration 2022 for Advanced amateur licensees and overseas equivalents.
The 3.4–3.6 GHz frequency band has also been identified for possible long-term earth station protection zones (ESPZs). This is defined in frequency coordination procedures for the earth station protection zones (RALI MS44).
The ACMA are now consulting on making these changes to the Amateur Licence LCD and the Overseas Amateur Class Licence.
The ACMA welcome your views on the proposed changes by 5 pm (AEST), Thursday 1 June.
Details are available at this Link
Page Last Updated: Monday, 01 May 2023 at 15:16 hours by Peter Clee
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